-3 oC

Friday, February 14

Today is a name day for

Welcome to Ogre city in winter time

From the time when we begin counting the days to Christmas until the 14th of February, Ogre dresses up for the holidays in a way that brings joy to both young and old. Like a magnet, Ogre attracts both locals and visitors alike with its lighting displays, unique decorations, and welcoming cafes. The mood in the streets, squares and other gathering places is bright, happy and full of cheer.

This year Ogre is upping its game by decorating the city’s walking routes in an unprecedented way while staying true to the original concept of cosy and bright alleys of light – warm fairy lights will wind up the trunks and branches of trees, culminating in glowing balls of luminescence in the canopies.

Shining brightly with sparkle will be the cafe-lined pedestrian promenade on Brīvības street and the alley of linden trees with a photo booth at its finale, as well as Bērzu alley, Krasta street, and the section of Brīvības street leading to the city centre. A special wooded area will feature lighted animal silhouettes hidden among the trees and bushes, waiting to be spotted by passersby. Large-format illuminated angels will hover in the air at every church in both Ogre and the county at large, creating guiding paths of light for one and all. 

We invite you to follow your star to Ogre – lift your mood, gladden your soul, and come towards the light during the darkest time of the year. 

Let’s find the magical and enchanting feeling of the winter holiday season together, in Ogre!


Download Christams route map here!