-3 oC

Friday, February 14

Today is a name day for

Madliena Evangelic Lutheran Church

Address Madliena parish, Ogre municipality
Phone +371 26113120

It is one of the oldest churches in Latvia, dating back to the 13th century. Various tales and legends related to its construction inspired poet Aspazija to write her play Torņacēlējs (The Tower Builder). The pulpit and the altar elements were crafted by Kārlis Frīdrihs Hūns – an organist and long-term teacher at Madliena parish school.  The altarpiece Kristus pie krusta (Christ on the Cross) was painted in 1844 by Georg Rudolf Karing. Around 1780, Garlieb Helwig Merkel, 1769 – 1850, was ordained in the church of Madliena, which is a regional architectural monument.


Listen to the audio guide’s story about this site:


  1. Download the free app "Ogres novadnieks";
  2. In the section "Tourism" find the objects no. 52 and 53;
  3. Tap the icon "Audio guide" and listen to the tale.


The mobile app "Ogres novadnieks" is available on app stores: